Empowering Parents is a website that offers guidance, instruction, and support to parents who are dealing
with children ages 'youth' thru 'teens'. Parenting is NOT an easy job and we could all use a little help now and then.
The products listed on this page were chosen with you in mind, to offer solutions to sometimes challenging
situations. We hope you find this information to be helpful. Best of luck!
The total transformation system will help you transform your child's behavior, improve family relationships, and help restore the joy in your family.
The total focus system will teach you simple techniques you can use with your child to help improve his ability to concentrate, stay on-task and control
impulsive behavior. We can also show you how to communicate with and motivate an attention-disordered child to help you better manage his behavior
and school performance.
In The Us Factor Program, you'll discover that problems such as resentment, distance, boredom and lack of communication are actually normal in marriage.
What you need are the skills to handle them. The Us Factor gives you practical, private solutions to the most common and difficult problems faced by couples today:
*Affairs, *Trust Issues, *Resentment, *Boredom, *Lack of Intimacy, *Blaming, *Distance, *Headed for Divorce, *Spouse Won't Change,
*Separation, *Constant Arguing, *Lack of Communication, *Not In Love Anymore, *Unresolved Conflict and more...